Disappearance Suit (2012-ongoing)
Disappearance Suit is an ongoing series that examines marginalized identities in contemporary American culture and beyond. Gaspar, a first-generation Mexican American from an immigrant family, stages performances that contend with the relationship between the politicized body and rural, remote, or romantic landscapes. Gaspar creates disappearance suits for specific locations and enacts a series of performative gestures where her camouflaged figure disappears and reappears.
Disappearance Suit (Captiva, FL)
Cloth, thread
Site-specific performance
Disappearance Suit (Marin Headlands, CA)
Tyvek, dry grasses, spray paint, thread, adhesive
Site-specific performance
Disappearance Suit (Reykjavik, Iceland)
Tyvek, latex paint, spray paint
Site-specific performance